History: Wikipedia Research Summit
Source of version: 26
This year's WikiSym will feature a conference-long informal track of presentations and papers about Wikipedia, including a Wikipedia Research Summit: an open discussion around the issues involved in researching Wikipedia (technical, social, or other). These discussions will lead into a similar program during Wikimania, which we hope will bring together researchers and Wikimedians for a productive dialog.
We hope that these sessions will lead to a broad discussion around solutions for some of these issues and new approaches for researching the "grand challenges" of Wikipedia.
''please add your own topics here''
* What are the barriers to researching Wikipedia?
* What technical support do researchers of the Wikimedia Foundation projects need?
* What are some of the big questions that researchers can address?
* The dynamics and pedagogy of participation in Wikimedia projects
* Issues surrounding perceptions about Wikipedia as a) information resource b) an open educational resource
* Wikipedia Research procedures & ethics (e.g. SRAG)
!!! Attendees
''Please add your name if you are interested in this session''
* Phoebe
* Giota
* Howief
* Peter Gehres
* Jodi Schneider
* Andrea
* [http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/user:guillom|Guillaume Paumier|userpage on the Wikimedia Foundation website]
* Johanna/Jojoon(a) (phD student & [http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/ |CPOV network])
* Mayo Fuster Morell
* Daniel Kinzler
* Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen)
* Cormac Lawler (Cormaggio)
* Erinc Salor [http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/f.e.salor/|UvA]
* Iassen Halatchliyski
* Andreea Gorbatai
!!See also
* ((Invited Speakers|Andrew Lih's talk))
* Open space discussion
* [http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Schedule|Wikimania sessions]
* Especially, the [http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Academic_Researchers_in_Wikimedia_Communities:_Ethics,_Methods,_and_Policies|related panel at Wikimania]
* 2009: Wikipedia research lunchtime discussion
* Wikipedia research policy -- came out of that discussion (see [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Research|Wikipedia Research] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SRAG|SRAG])
We hope that these sessions will lead to a broad discussion around solutions for some of these issues and new approaches for researching the "grand challenges" of Wikipedia.
''please add your own topics here''
* What are the barriers to researching Wikipedia?
* What technical support do researchers of the Wikimedia Foundation projects need?
* What are some of the big questions that researchers can address?
* The dynamics and pedagogy of participation in Wikimedia projects
* Issues surrounding perceptions about Wikipedia as a) information resource b) an open educational resource
* Wikipedia Research procedures & ethics (e.g. SRAG)
!!! Attendees
''Please add your name if you are interested in this session''
* Phoebe
* Giota
* Howief
* Peter Gehres
* Jodi Schneider
* Andrea
* [http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/user:guillom|Guillaume Paumier|userpage on the Wikimedia Foundation website]
* Johanna/Jojoon(a) (phD student & [http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/ |CPOV network])
* Mayo Fuster Morell
* Daniel Kinzler
* Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen)
* Cormac Lawler (Cormaggio)
* Erinc Salor [http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/f.e.salor/|UvA]
* Iassen Halatchliyski
* Andreea Gorbatai
!!See also
* ((Invited Speakers|Andrew Lih's talk))
* Open space discussion
* [http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Schedule|Wikimania sessions]
* Especially, the [http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Academic_Researchers_in_Wikimedia_Communities:_Ethics,_Methods,_and_Policies|related panel at Wikimania]
* 2009: Wikipedia research lunchtime discussion
* Wikipedia research policy -- came out of that discussion (see [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Research|Wikipedia Research] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SRAG|SRAG])